Office Manager
If you have to deal with the headaches that come with frequent office moves or the ongoing reallocation of office space to temporary occupants, you should take a good look at the CABS Office Manager Module.
With an almost infinite booking range – by the hour, to several months, it takes account of a wide range of booking criteria – disabled access, video conference equipment, multiple occupancy etc. – and either suggests the most suitable available office or allows you to manually allocate yourself according to your own preferences.
Since the CABS Office Manager Module is fully integrated with the rest of CABS you can easily recharge costs to the appropriate cost code or even invoice your client. You can also provide catering and ancillary services, such as car parking spaces, to the occupants of your offices, which can also be recharged or invoiced as required.
If it sounds to you that the CABS Office Manager Module would make a significant difference to you and your organisation, get in touch without delay to find out for sure