Hybrid Working – successfully managing an evolving office environment

During the COVID pandemic, many organisations were forced into a dramatic shift, implementing remote and/or socially distanced working at a moment's notice. However, what was done in haste will have far-reaching effects as this accelerated workspace transformation morphs from short-term adaptation to long-term seismic shifts in the way office space is configured and used to optimal benefit.
An interesting article was published in The Times recently - 23/07/21 – looking at the return to the office post-Covid lockdown. It presented an interesting challenge, and opportunity, for businesses to redefine their use of their current office space.
Specifically, it focused on 3 key points;
· Sacrificing desk space for more collaboration – how to make that happen
· Development of ‘Showcase Office’ space to maximise in-person engagement with clients
· The challenge of managing office capacity – avoiding the free for all
Desk Space V Collaboration space
The article argued that creativity is best fuelled through face-to-face collaboration with colleagues and clients. Freeing up space previously occupied by desks to create more collaborative areas, therefore, requires managing. In a hybrid office environment combining working from home and office, how do you address the capacity challenge? If desk space is sacrificed for collaboration areas, how do we avoid the potential situation of too many colleagues turning up to the office wanting a desk?
Showcase office
With businesses looking to adopt more flexible working practices, some are considering improving the customer experience with the newfound space. Managing that client engagement is a critical component in making it work. Factor in client catering, IT equipment for the meeting, and colleagues, and ensuring that client experience hits the mark becomes something that requires a little more coordination. How would staff book such resources in a really efficient way? How could client details be logged and dietary requirements captured? All this in a safe working environment?
Managing office capacity
As a business you’ve made the decision to offer flexible working conditions, you’ve either reduced your office footprint to reduce costs as a result, or you’ve converted that additional space for other purposes. The one thing you’ll now be looking to address is how to prevent a free for all where demand for desk space outstrips supply. Knowing what space you have available at any point in time, enabling that to be booked by staff, whether requiring authorisation or not, managing any spacing rules or co-location rules. These will all be scenarios that you’ll need to ensure you’ve got a solution to avoid the pitfalls.
Thankfully there are software management tools to support all of the above and carry out all of the heavy lifting, efficiently allocating the space in relation to however simple or complex your requirements may be. At Business Careware we have a wealth of experience in delivering software-based solutions to businesses that need an effective way of managing the utilisation of their office and functional space.
CABS UX+ provides a comprehensive solution with results only ever a few clicks away, all delivered via a modern web interface that is accessible through any device. For further information, to arrange a demonstration, or to chat through your requirements, please get in touch with us on enquires@businesscareware.co.uk, or call us on 0114 303 0422